West Kelowna Walk-In & Family Practice

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105-2231 Louie Dr, Westbank, BC V4T 3K3
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Ratings & Reviews - West Kelowna Walk-In & Family Practice

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    Do not trust your medical information with this Walk In Clinic. The office administrators are not trust worthy. They treat people with disabilities and/or addictions very poorly. Certain doctors at this clinic brag about their mistresses loud enough for patients to hear. Certain doctors have announced my private medical information for all patients to hear. The office administrators can’t even book appointments correctly. This walk in discriminates and is a HUGE embarrassment to West Kelowna.

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    The office was dirty, some kind of powder and q-tips were left on the floor from last patient. Dr was rude and had no respect, wasnt professional. Worst experience ever.

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    Last year I was hospitalized for 6 weeks off and on due to various awful reasons. Needless to say I was quite Ill. A couple of months after being released to went to this clinic for an unrelated issue. I did not have a family dr as they are hard to find in the area. The dr I saw was fantastic and offered to take me on as a patient. Its easy to get an appointment time and the wait times are very reasonable when i have to do a walk in. I see lots of negative reviews and judgements of the drs and

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    My son stepped on a nail.Tetanus was up to date, but I was concerned about bone infection. I went to the Town Centre Walk-in and was given a band aid and refusal to give preventative antibiotics. My gut said to not leave it there. I went to West Kelowna Walkin and saw Dr. Garrett. He immediately recognized the seriousness, prescribed antibiotics, wrote a letter to KGH, and advised we go there. KGH found a bone infection, put my son on a heavy dose of antibiotics(successful) Dr. Garrett cared!!!

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    Worst visit to the clinic it was here and get out

    Very Terrible. I waited for 30 mins in the waiting room which wasn't a big deal it's a clinic What bothered me was waiting in the doctors room for almost an hour and patients were been served first when we were there first They did not already have a appointment they were waiting just like me. When he finally came in he basically did NOT check what was wrong with me. Gave me a prescription for my nasal problem and gave me an address for a pregnancy test. When he could have done one at the clinic

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