Feeling tired all the time? With just a few simple tweaks to your daily routine, the seemingly permanent imprint of your behind on the sofa will rise up and vanish, and you'll quickly rediscover your get-up-and-go energy. Here are some tips to help.
July 28, 2015
Feeling tired all the time? With just a few simple tweaks to your daily routine, the seemingly permanent imprint of your behind on the sofa will rise up and vanish, and you'll quickly rediscover your get-up-and-go energy. Here are some tips to help.
[Image Credit: iStock.com/monkeybusinessimages]
If you need a quadruple shot of espresso just to bring your eyelids to half mast in the morning, you may be driving yourself deeper and deeper into a low-energy rut.
Consider sipping your coffee slowly instead of gulping it quickly to make the most of the caffeine in it.
Foods with a low glycemic load – such as beans, bran cereal, brown rice, whole-wheat bread and nuts – have less impact on your blood sugar than foods with a high glycemic load, including white rice, spaghetti, potatoes and sugary juices and drinks.
This might sound silly, but it really works!
This simple technique gives you both a sense of well-being and the positive benefits of walking and exercise, flooding your brain with happy neurotransmitters and endorphins.
When you find yourself thinking a negative thought, picture a stop sign. Then either push the thought out of your mind or replace it with a positive one.
You deserve the same level of respect and kindness as others, so give yourself a pat on the back every so often.
Fatigue is often one of the first symptoms of dehydration. What's more, if all you've sipped throughout the day is coffee and soft drinks then it's quite likely that you're dehydrated.
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