The top exercises for strong, toned legs

July 28, 2015

To strengthen your legs and avoid injury, you must work all of the muscles in your legs equally. The following tips will incorporate total leg work seamlessly into your day.

The top exercises for strong, toned legs

Tighten your thighs

  • Do it wherever you are, over and over again. In the car, in the grocery line, anywhere.
  • You will firm your leg muscles, boost blood flow and give yourself something to focus on.

Do the clam

  • Lie on your back, bring your feet together and open your knees out to the sides.
  • Then, as you exhale, lift your knees, bringing them together.
  • Lower and repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times and you'll strengthen your inner thighs.

Do leg lifts

  • Flex your foot and lift your leg out to the side, lower it, then repeat 10 to 15 times. Make sure you move only at the hip – don't let your waist move.
  • Then swap legs. You'll finish your leg workout before dinner time.

Walk on a soft surface

Your legs get a better workout when you walk on trails or sand rather than pavement. And softer surfaces transfer less impact to your joints, preventing strain to your knees and back.

Step up

Instead of straining and reaching to get something off a high shelf, step up on a stool. You'll strengthen your legs and protect your back.

Do the twist

  • You can do it in your living room tonight. Bend your knees and squat down as far as you comfortably can as you shimmy from side to side.
  • You'll burn calories, have a few laughs and strengthen your legs — all at the same time.

Do the “lunge walk” in the backyard

  • Your neighbours might laugh if they see you, but you'll have the last laugh when, in just minutes each day, you sculpt a toned pair of legs.
  • Step forward, bend your knees and sink down until both legs form 90 degree angles.
  • Then press into your front heel to rise. Lift your back leg and knee all the way into your chest before planting it in front of you for the next lunge.
  • This takes a little practice, but if you "lunge walk" for 20 or 30 steps a day, your legs will be far stronger and more toned.

Buy ankle weights

  • One set of ankle weights allows you to do just about any leg exercise at home and you'll never have to set foot in the gym again to maintain shapely legs.
  • In addition to the traditional leg lifts, you can use ankle weights to do other popular leg exercises such as hamstring curls and leg extensions, often performed on a machine at the gym.
  • Look for ankle weights that allow you to add weight as you get stronger, and with Velcro straps rather than shoelaces for easy access and removal.
  • Many of these weights contain small pockets into which you can insert or remove weighted bags. Try on the weights in the store to make sure they feel comfortable.

Practise kickboxing moves

  • There's nothing like seeing your bare thighs in the mirror to motivate you to do your kicks. Kick in all directions, mixing in front kicks, roundhouse kicks, side kicks and back kicks.
  • No matter what kick you do, never fully extend your knee. This protects your knee joint.
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