5 tips to have more energy immediately

July 28, 2015

A low-energy lifestyle leaves you with little energy. A high-energy lifestyle gives you lots of energy. For most people, it's that simple. In case it's not, these tips should provide a much-needed boost.

5 tips to have more energy immediately

Do you find yourself collapsing on the couch by midafternoon? Are you feeling more sluggish than a hungover sloth? Do you envy the boundless energy of your children or grandchildren – or even your on-the-go neighbour? Don't blame your age; blame your lifestyle.

1. Get enough iron

  • Constantly dragging yourself around? You could have iron-deficiency anemia, a common cause of fatigue.
  • Iron is essential for producing hemoglobin, which carries oxygen to your body's cells, where it's used to produce energy.
  • Good food sources of iron are red meat, iron-fortified breakfast cereal, green leafy vegetables and all legumes. Y
  • ou may also need a supplement; check with your doctor.

2. Take time to think

  • When someone asks you to do something, say, "Let me check my agenda and I'll get back to you."
  • This gives you time to think about the request and decide if it's something you really want to do, or simply an energy-sucking waste of your time.
  • Don't overextend yourself, especially doing tasks you don't really enjoy. If you don't want to bake for another school sale, say so.

3. Have your thyroid checked

  • If it's not producing enough thyroid hormone, it could be making you feel tired and rundown.
  • A simple blood test will show if that's the case.
  • Other symptoms of low thyroid are dry skin, weight gain, constipation and feeling cold.

4. Turn off the news for one week

  • Depressing television news of murders, fires and terrorism can quickly drain your mental reserves.
  • If you're a news junkie, try this experiment for one week: stop reading your newspaper and watch only one television news program a day (or none if you can stand it).
  • Notice how you feel at the end of the week. If you feel more energetic and peaceful, stick to your new habit.

5. Soak up a little sun in winter

  • Do you have all the energy of a hibernating bear in winter months? Make a point of getting outside for 30 minutes to an hour during the day.
  • The natural light can improve your energy levels and help to fight seasonal affective disorder (SAD).
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