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YP Canada provides complete directory information for in and about the Debert, Nova-Scotia region. With the most comprehensive business database found in Canada, Yellow is your Find Engine. If you live in or near Debert, discover new user-rated products and services close to home, with Yellow Pages Canada.
Greek food is a beautiful example of the vegetable-forward Mediterranean diet, which is full of bold flavours and healthy ingredients. You'll find Greek restaurants all over the Metro area, ranging from quick and simple takeouts to elegant sit-down venues. Here are a few worthy places to satisfy your big fat Greek craving.
Atlantic Canada is one of the world's great oyster-producing regions, but sadly, oyster bars are not (yet) a major part of the Halifax culinary scene. A handful of establishments are doing their best to establish that tradition here, from bars to oyster-friendly licensed restaurants. Here are some notable bars to get your fill of these briney treats.
The Celtic spirit is potent here in Halifax, especially in its distilled form. Few beverages can ease that raw waterfront chill from your bones quite as effectively or as pleasantly as a "wee dram" of whisky. Here are a few noteworthy places to further your acquaintance with this masterpiece of the distiller's art.