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Business listings in Carbon delivers complete directory information for in and near the Carbon, Alberta region. With the largest business database you can find in Canada, Yellow will get you there quicker. If you live near Carbon, discover the best independently reviewed products and services close to you, with .

Discovering local businesses is fun and good for everyone. When you shop in your own community, your purchases strengthen the local economy while you also build lasting personal connections with your entrepreneurial neighbours. YP’s annual Shop The Neighbourhood event celebrates these connections with citywide bargains offered by participating businesses. Here is a small sampling of the deals you’ll find on November 28, 2015.
Thai food is the perfect tropical indulgence on a crisp winter day or as a spicy summer feast. The city is home to a handful of well-established Thai restaurants, each with a loyal clientele. From sour papaya salads to the best red curry, these restaurants deliver heat, flavour and a pleasant, easy-going atmosphere.
Calgary antique shops are few and far between, but they carry an impressive selection of furniture, ancient objects and vintage bric-a-brac. Turnover is high, and surprises are frequent at these boutiques, inviting regular return visits. Search for the finest in old-time home accouterments at the following shops.
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