Learn to ride and more about horses with us at Equine Excellence at Equine Estates
Dedicated Educators
Horses are magnificent animals; people have been inspired by them for years. Once you get to know about horses your heart can be opened more then you can possibly image. You can also learn so much more about yourself in this learning process. Horses have been providing service to humans for years and are a true gift. We pride ourselves to have current qualified instructors and nice quality horses to learn with and an internship program for up and coming coaches.
We love what we do and we love our horses, I have been lucky to have horses in my life for the past 40 years and I am still learning and growing older along with some of my best equine friends. Amanda Lyons, Owner Operator.
As a level entry school; our goal is not to sell or train young horses.
Nor help with problem horses. That is for professional trainers. Working with horses is a continuous learning requirement. Dedicated trainers takes many hours and years to develop their skills needed to start and train a nice horse for a beginner and intermediate riders. Our job is to help you to learn how to ride and the importance that continuing education helps to keep nice training on a horse. As we learn so do horses.
The more you know the more you help the horse.
Riding schools need safe nice horses and qualified coaches. This takes a lot of time and effort but well worth the satisfaction in knowing we made someones day teaching them to be more aware and knowable around horses. We offer the NCCP Credited Equine Canada Learn to ride Western Program riders can earn their Western riding levels or just learn for recreational purposes. Life is short, so enjoy the ride.
"To Provide a safe professional riding school where you can learn about horses and enjoy the process"
Equine Estates Two Rules
I first heard this Quote years ago from renowned horse trainer John Lyons at one of his seminars...
"I have Two Rules
Rule number 1 ...You should not get hurt working around horses.
Rule number 2 ...Horses should not get hurt working around you."
We have a great safety record here at the school and a well maintained building for riding in. This facility was built with a school in mind by Jim Durling a well renowned respected horsemen and coach. Many riders and coaches alike have come though the doors of this school. We have had big shoes to fill but keeping a safe professional western school close to the city has become another mission for us here at Equine Excellence