Wallaceburg Mini Storage provides is a self storage facility, providing low cost rentals storage units in different sizes available. On-site 24 hour security cameras monitor the premises to ensure that your stored items are secure.
I had such a pleasant experience with this storage facility. Ruby and her husband completely went out of their way to help us out. Just wonderful people and kind. They have a great business going and I would recommend them 1000%. I felt like my items were safe and it was clean. Dont be afraid to Express your need as they will try to help you the best they can.
I found the units at Wallaceburg Mini Storage to be clean and secure. If I have any complaint, it's about the mice that somehow found their way into everything I stored.
In response to the review about the mice: This tenant had a box of CEREAL stored in her unit!! So absolutely... mice go to where there is food. Bottom Line...DO NOT store food in storage.
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