Covered by most health care insurance plans. Chiropodist (Foot Specialist) Acupuncture & Foot Reflexology. These treatments relieve the pains that are associated with common stress. We can help!
Fast, friendly and didn't try to sell me on anything I didn't need. I got relief which is what I was looking for. Simple but it's hard to find these days..
Rick J.
I've been to a few of these places and this was far my best experience so I thought I'd share. They asked what I wanted to achieve from the visit which was nice instead of all about them...They explained why I was experiencing my foot pain and how I could stop it. There were a few options and I ended up going with their orthotic insoles..They look better made than the ones I had years ago and feel like they're actually making a difference. I have insurance so they helped me with the form to submit for my refund. I would recommend this place to anyone with foot pain.. I think they have acupuncture and other services too