Petit Bateau offrent des programmes éducatifs en français pour les enfants de 2 à 5 ans. Dans un environnement sécuritaire et stimulant, à l'aide de divers activités et matériaux, l'enfant découvre les bases de l'apprentissage, tout en s'amusant.
When you find a place where the teachers are looking for your child as it was their own, the French comes as a bonus!
When you find a place where the teachers are looking for your child as it was their own, the French comes as a bonus!
And my daughter learned it in few months. She gained confidence, enriched her vocabulary every week and become more socially involved.
I am happy to see her happy and constantly exposed to new learning experiences.
The team is amassing; we share the same ideas of early education.
I would definitely recommend this center.