Our local YP team is always looking for the latest and greatest that Edmonton has to offer, serving up their picks for where to eat, drink, shop and play. Explore these lists, then explore from Whyte Avenue to West Edmonton Mall, armed with the insights of our undercover experts. Who knows, you may find yourself next to one of them at a new bar on Jasper Avenue or while browsing at your favourite boutique on 124 Street.
Like Ronald Reagan said once, “You can tell a lot about a fellow’s character by his way of eating jellybeans.” And I agree, your choice of candy goes a long way in determining whether we’ll get along or not. Once you walk into these shops, you won’t know what to do with yourself. You’ll feel like, well, a kid in a candy store.
No one can take better care of your beloved pet and companion than you can. But, when circumstances separate you, it pays to know where your cat can go to get the love and attention it deserves so you can have peace of mind. These cat daycares and spas know how to pamper your pet for a short grooming session or a lengthier stay while you’re away.
Albertans are lucky. Great historical landmarks and gorgeous landscapes are never more than a short drive away. Touring the province is a perfect excuse for a single day getaway, long weekend trip or an extended vacation. With spectacular parks, wineries and dinosaur bones, Alberta offers some of the best sight-seeing in the world for the price of a tank of gas.
Looking to take the family for a fun and active afternoon? Or, maybe you want to improve your fitness without the high impact of running or weightlifting? An aquatic workout is a refreshing and stress-free alternative that’s easy on the body. The city has a selection of pools to choose from, for both the serious swimmer and those that just love to splash. [Image credit: iStock.com/Imgorthand]
Don’t let the cold winters fool you - Edmonton’s hardcore cyclists will brave any weather on their bicycles to get to their destinations. With all that hard riding, bikes will break down and need maintenance. These Edmonton bike shops will do those much-needed regular tune-ups and repairs quickly and expertly.
Albertans are notoriously hardy and tough, so it’s no surprise that residents of Edmonton love to cycle through rain, shine, or snow. If you’re in town and looking for a place to pick up a new bike, or get your old one fixed up and road-ready, check out these places.
Are your poor lifestyle choices or bad eating habits getting you down? Are you feeling low-energy and find yourself struggling to make it through the day? These Edmonton health food stores can help you get on the road to healthy living.
Who says you can’t be fit and fabulous while you’re pregnant? Not only does working out during pregnancy keep you healthy and active, it will do wonders for your child to have a fit mom during birth. Here are some of the best prenatal workout classes in the city, offering everything from cardio workouts to yoga.
You don’t have to do it all yourself to get the wedding of your dreams. Find the right wedding planner and you can leave every last detail to the professionals while you enjoy every moment of your special day. Here’s where to find the perfect wedding planner to get your happily ever after off without a hitch.
Having gorgeous hair you can run your fingers through is no longer just a pipe dream. Look confident and stunning with high-quality hair extensions. A simple application can change your style and your attitude. These stylists are the best of the best in Edmonton and can take you from meh to WOW!
You and your girls can have a great night out without blowing your paycheque on alcohol. In fact, a lot of these activities go down better without the tequila shots. You’ll need coordination to dance and reflexes for paintball in order to have the best time. Edmonton’s got plenty of ways to enjoy a dry night out, so set a date with your besties for a different kind of fun.
Whether you’re looking to tone up for the New Year, learn self-defence strategies in a fun environment, improve cardiovascular strength away from the treadmill or incorporate a social aspect into your workout routine, these Edmonton boxing gyms may be just the “hook” you’re searching for.
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